Hypertextual Happenstance

This blog has been created to reflect upon learning to write and research this electronic medium. These posts use Jay David Bolter's _Writing Space_ as my theoretical guide to describe how I've learned to understand hypertext as the dynamic interconnection of a set of symbolic elements.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Stay away from the Kairos!

Now that I have re-read that Searching the Blogosphere post, I think I was actually referring to the group blog, KairosNews and not the journal Kairos. But that serves as a nice segue into discussing why I hardly ever blog at KairosNews.

If you look at the two posts I have created there, here and here, the latter includes my confession that I am not a techy, only a blogger. It is one thing to click on a globe/chainlink icon, and a completely other thing to be told “All HTML tags allowed.” Huh?

Sad to say it, but I am not even worried about the fact that I don’t know HTML. Has the ease of blogging software made me this way? Probably, but as my further examination and reflection upon this new medium will tell you, it’s the world wide audience and opportunity to participate in civic discourse that appeals most to me.


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